Writing of a Faun. A Signature Piece of 20th Century Dance and its Scripting
9. Juni 2021
Online Workshop: Writing of a Faun. A Signature Piece of 20th Century Dance and its Scripting
Freitag, 18.06.2021, 14 - 17 Uhr
Vaclav Nijinsky (1889-1950) is one of the outstanding figures in the history of dance. His chore-ography “The Afternoon of a Faun”, premiered in 1912, is a signature piece of dance in modernity. The shape of the ‘original’ choreography, however, was lost over the decades, also because Ni-jinsky's own idiosyncratic dance writings could not be deciphered until 1989. Since then, numer-ous restagings and reconstructions have been presented worldwide. The workshop looks at the intricate interrelations between writing, scripted movement, passing on and performance of this dance piece over a period of roughly 100 years.